Are you in search of a Los Altos dentist to improve the beauty of your smile? Are you ready for that sparkling smile you’ve only thought possible in your dreams? Schedule a cosmetic consultation with Los Altos Dental Group today. We offer a variety of cosmetic options to enhance the aesthetics of your smile. Correcting cosmetic imperfections not only helps to achieve a more beautiful smile, but even minor cosmetic enhancements can often improve the comfort and function of your bite. Below are the cosmetic services we provide:

Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers are custom-made and placed on the front of teeth to camouflage a wide variety of imperfections for a better-looking smile.

Home Tooth Whitening
Teeth whitening includes a number of options to help patients achieve a whiter, brighter smile with professional take home trays and kits available.

Smile Makeover
A smile makeover is a combination of cosmetic dentistry procedures based on the customer’s needs and concerns to achieve a more attractive smile. Dental bonding and contouring makes small, cosmetic improvements to the teeth, like filling in tooth chips and perfecting the shape of the teeth.

Lumineers are light, high-quality porcelain veneers that are custom made to cover the teeth and obscure cosmetic flaws.